Picture this: ALL your Group companies' balances aggregated into a single Balance Sheet report, with the added feature of seeing how the figures break down by Partners!
Whether it’s for an individual legal entity or an aggregated view across all your companies, Emfino’s Balance Sheet report is very flexible. It lets you:
Analyze balances by Partners,
Track Partner Turnover,
Delve into detailed drill-downs to transaction level by Partners,
As an alternative - analyze balances by Dimensions like profit/cost centers where Partner split of an account is irrelevant (e.g., 'Property, Plant and Equipment' or 'Inventory' accounts)! 🌀
Keep your finance team smiling and informed 😊!

Examples of the Partner Splits in the 'Balance Sheet' Report in Emfino DEMO System:
1) Separate legal entity Balance Sheet report view with the split by Partners:

2) Aggregated Balance Sheet report for several companies with the Partner split:

3) Aggregated Balance Sheet report for several companies with Partner split and turnover by Partners:

4) Drill-downs to transaction level:

5) Aggregated Balance Sheet report for several companies with the split by dimensions as an alternative.