Until the implementation of the Group Chart of Accounts (Group COA) within your Group or Investment company, Advanced mapping offers various ways to enhance both historical and newly imported actual data to ensure automated, unified format reporting and consolidation.

Specifically, Advanced mapping:
Adds or adjusts necessary dimensions in the transactions
Adds partner names if there is none in transactions
Moves intra-group transactions into separate Group accounts for consolidation and reconciliation
Transfers IFRS adjustments into distinct accounts
Splits transactions from a single Local account to multiple Group accounts based on set criteria like partner names, comments, document numbers, and dimensions.
This approach offers the advantage of minimal disruption to the accounting records while still ensuring compliance with Group COA standards. However, advanced mapping should be considered only a short-term solution for data improvement. It necessitates a detailed rule set and could become burdensome to maintain. Therefore, implementing the Group COA at a later stage is encouraged to reduce reliance on such a temporary solution.
Examples of Advanced Mapping Rules in the Emfino DEMO System:
1) To add dimensions
Account mapping: If the Local account is '7310', map it to the Group account '76300 Social contributions - Salary expense ' and add the Group dimension 'ADOTH' (Example 1).

2) To adjust dimensions
Account mapping: If the Local account is '8800 Corporate Income Tax', map it to the Group account '79500 Corporate Income Tax' (Example 2).

Cost centre mapping: If the Local dimension in any account is 'OTHER', map it to the Group dimension 'OTOTH' (Example 3).

Advanced mapping adds to the previous definitions: If the Local account number is '8800' AND the Local Cost centre is 'OTHER', then map to the Group dimension 'OTCIT' instead (Example 4). Similar for account '8810'.

3) To move intra-group transactions into separate Group accounts and adjust the dimension
Account mapping: If the Local account is '5310 Trade Creditors', map to the Group account '55100 Trade creditors' (Example 5).

Advanced mapping adds: If the Local account number is '5310' AND Partner name is 'Coast Group Ltd', then map to the Group account '55101 Trade Creditors - Group' instead (Example 4). Similar for account '7910', only the advanced mapping defines to apply the dimension 'ADOTH'.
4) To transfer IFRS adjustments into distinct Group accounts
Account mapping: If the Local account is '7100 Change in active portfolio provisions', map to the Group account '73800 Change in active portfolio provisions - CIT deductible' (Example 6).

Advanced mapping: If the Local account number is '7100' AND the Comment field contains text 'IFRS', then map to the Group account '97360 Change in provisions - IFRS adjustment' instead (Example 4).
5) To split transactions from a single Local account to multiple Group accounts based on the Text in the comments field
Account mapping: If the Local account is '7220 Loan interest expense - Investor Platform', map to the Group account '73340 Loan interest expense - Investors' (Example 6).
Advanced mapping: If Local account number is '7220' AND Comment field contains text 'WHT', then map to the Group account '73343 WHT on Loan interest - Investors' instead (Example 4).
6) To split transactions from a single Local account to multiple Group accounts based on the Partner name
Account mapping: If the Local account is '7620 Internet and Hosting expenses', map to the Group account '76400 Internet and Hosting expenses' (Example 5).
Advanced mapping: If the Local account number is '7620' AND the Partner name is 'HR Systems', then map to the Group account '76401 IT Licences subscription' instead (Example 4).